I was merely acting...
10:53 am on Friday, Oct. 31, 2003

I woke up this morning and wanted to stay in bed.

So I did.

Then the phone rang and my mom called me and I had to get up so I thought I'd stay up and talk to you. Doesn't that make you happy? :)

My brother should really appreciate me and he definitely owes me one...Wed. night I thought I was going to be staying home and studying or something equally as fun..then I find out that my brother is asking for ALONE time, and in order for him to have that I have to go out with my parents to....

CHURCH. **Eck** However sick that made me feel I did go and I endured and I even got some goodies to eat afterwards too (yay cake and icecream to make me more fat) than we went to walmart (buying stuff always makes me feel better) then i came home and saw the OC yay!

yesterday was an alright day...i had to go to see my psychiatrist and I actually convinced her that I'm alright....well I AM an actress. And last night I got to see the newest episode of the show 24...that's a pretty damn cool show...never seen it before..I can see what all the rave is about.

So what's on the agenda for today? mi best buddy Nikki and i are probably going out to the chinese restaurant for a nice meal and to chat...and she's gonna pay me back the money she owes me too...yay! ok im off....ttyl! RACH

P.S. I got an offline message from Bill that Wed. is good for him....mmmmm I can't wait to see him...although we all know I'll be doing much more than looking ;)

back & forth

good night - Saturday, Sept. 03, 2005
Shine - Saturday, Sept. 03, 2005
casey at the bat - Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005
Never Been Happier - Tuesday, May. 03, 2005
end of hiatus - Monday, Apr. 11, 2005

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