Depressed and blue
12:36 pm on Thursday, Nov. 11, 2004

Hi...I'm kinda depressed today, and I have good reason to be. My grandmother passed away, I broke up with my girlfriend, and I have hardly any money. Even the thought of having my own apartment soon isn't cheering me up. I'm just plain blue and have no energy. I'm sure this won't last long though...cuz I have so much to look forward to. Ya know? I just hate feeling this way. Oh well, at least I got to spend some time with Nikki today. She even treated me to breakfast at the diner...she is such a great best friend. Stacey is a good friend too...she might even come visit me in the summer, that would be sooooo cool! I'm listening to Green Day right now, they are so freakin awesome! Anyways, I'm gonna go now...ttyl, RACH

back & forth

good night - Saturday, Sept. 03, 2005
Shine - Saturday, Sept. 03, 2005
casey at the bat - Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005
Never Been Happier - Tuesday, May. 03, 2005
end of hiatus - Monday, Apr. 11, 2005

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